スティーヴ・ディジョルジオ参加のデンマーク発プログレッシヴ/テクニカル・デス・プロジェクト MOTHER OF ALLがデビュー作「AGE OF THE SOLIPSIST」を6月11日にリリース


レーベル:Black Lion Records
1. Autumn
2. We Don't Agree
3. Curators Of Our World Scope
4. Age Of The Solipsist
5. At The Edge Of A Dream
6. Blood Still Owed
7. Feel The Pain
produced by HANNES GROßMANN

MOTHER OF ALLは、デンマークの首都コペンハーゲン在住のマルチ・プレイヤー、マーティ ン・ハウマンが立ち上げたプログレッシヴ/テクニカル・デス・メタルのプロジェクト。マーティン はこれまでにデンマーク産ブラック・メタル・バンドAFSKYやMYRKUR等でドラマーを務めた傍 ら、自身がシンガーも兼ねるMOTHER OF ALLとして1stEP『SUPPRESSION』(2014年)と 2ndEP『SECULAR ASSAUKT』(2017年)を発表してきた。これら2枚のEPでは、 ジャーデン・ シュレジンジャー<g>とラスムス・クリステンセン<b>というデンマーク人ミュージシャンが起用 されていたが、マーティンは初のフル・アルバムとなる今作で顔触れを刷新。若手のフレデリ ク・イェンセン<g>と、現TESTANENTのスティーヴ・ディジョルジオ<b>を迎え、 MOTHER OF ALLとしての1stアルバムをリリースするに至った。
This Ending band
- Swedish Melodic Death Metal done right
Mother Of All
Mother Of All Mother of All is a one-man band fronted by multi-instrumentalist Martin Haumann. previous drummer for (Myrkur, Afsky, Mercenary, Essence) The songwritting is varied and eclectic, but inspiration is drawn from the deep cauldron that is METAL. Age Of The Solipsist, releases 11 June 2021 1. Autumn 2. We Don't Agree 3. Curators Of Our World Scope 4. Age Of The Solipsist 5. At The Edge Of A Dream 6. Blood Still Owed 7. Feel The Pain Mother of All is a one-man band fronted by multi-instrumentalist Martin Haumann. The style is deathmetal with melodic and progressive elements. The songs of Mother of All are varied, eclectic and always exploring the artform. Ultimately the inspiration is drawn from the deep cauldron that is Metal. For many years Martin has been a sought-after drummer in the Danish metal-scene, having performed with artists like Myrkur, Afsky, Mercenary. Most recently having lent his drumming to the Afsky album “Ofte jeg drømmer mig død”. Following the highly praised EP ”Secular Assault” Mother of All is now ready to reveal it first full-length album “Age Of The Solipsist”. For the debut album Age Of The Solipsist I decided to go “ALL IN”. I wrote great original songs representing the artistic vision, contacted Steve Di Giorgio who loved it and Hannes Grossmann also wanted to lend his talents. Young guitar-wizard Frederik Jensen joined in. And here we are

ダミーダミー さん投稿日時 2021.04.28 03:49
